Anthony Beinar, Senior Business Analyst, at Realty Income, He is in a fast-paced industry where the only constant is change. His passion is technology, especial-ly new and innovative processes. The only drawback is occasional minor resistance from those who are not as adapt or interested in the pace of change. In addition, his work environment has changed significantly due to the pandemic. His most pressing challenge is determining to balance a career and long-distance relationship. He is now taking a New Look at the Workplace.
Joelle Jackson was born to be a coach. After immigrating from Lebanon, she earned a degree in journalism and a master’s in international Relations. Her desire was to change the world for the better on a grand scale. Then she decided it would be more realistic to make change one person at a time. She became a Life Coach and never looked back. She has written Unlock Your Con-scious Leadership which describes her coaching philosophy in detail.